Assess crowd safety risks and identify hazards
Before involving in crowd management technology in Malaysia, one must think about the risks associated with it. One has to account for what may cause harm to event staff and visitors through crowd movement, dynamics, and behavior as people arrive, enter, move around a venue, exit, and disperse.
Remember to consider aged people and persons with disabilities or learning difficulties when deciding the appropriate action to take.
Risk assessment
Take plausible steps to eliminate or reduce the risks. This process is known as risk assessment and is something duty holders are instructed to do by law.
Risk assessment is about identifying and taking necessary measures by crowd management technology Malaysia to control the risks in the workplace, without creating huge amounts of paperwork. If a company has less than five employees the risk assessment does not need to be written down.
As an early priority, organizers should affirm that they can manage a crowd safely for the type of event and at the venue chosen. The event may be free or take place on urban streets or open spaces, you should still apply the same crowd management principles to make it as secure as possible.
Assess the venue
A key part of the crowd assessment will be to determine the venue's safe capacity. For outdoor openings, where the boundaries of an event are less well-defined, break the task down areas into zones, such as arrival and exit points, viewing areas, and the spaces in and around attractions or structures like bars and stages.
Visit the venue several times. It will help you predict and deal proactively with a crowd's likely actions.
Assess the audience
Visitors may be unknown and not aware of the venue layout and its facilities. People may even become disorientated if they arrive in the light and leave in the dark to ensure there is enough lighting.
Inadequate management of queues or delays may provoke people to surge towards the doors when they are opened or climb over barriers, steering to overcrowding problems in other areas. People may climb onto structures, such as scaffolding, to get a better view and encourage others to follow, putting them at risk of a fall. Assess the probability of this happening by crowd management technology Malaysia and take steps to manage it.
Assess the program
Several activities enacted at the same time may result in considerable crowd movement. For example, where one particular performer has a large or enthusiastic following, the audience may suddenly surge forward and trampling could result. Or being unsatisfied with the quality of a performance or outcome of a sporting fixture, the audience may become aggressive, offensive, and uncooperative. Being intoxicated and/or recreational drugs can exacerbate this behavior.
What can be done
Some hazards may already be controlled, whether by deliberate measures or by the circumstances in which they are found. Therefore problem should be identified and the precautions and decide whether they are adequate or whether more should be done.
Create a crowd management plan
Once you have estimated the risks, you should create a crowd management plan. Use any venue/site design drawings to help you with this. Your plan should also incorporate how you will respond effectively to accidents and other emergencies.
Review your plan
Organizers, their stewarding contractors, and other agencies involved should periodically check the methods for controlling crowd safety to ensure they are working and being followed. Enclose other agencies like the police and local authorities in the debriefing process. Listen to problems and successes and make improvements in the future.
Author's bio: The author of this
article works in a company that provides emergency evacuation and well-equipped
crowd management services for many years successfully and is equipped with an
independent modern cloud-based execution system.